The hardest part of parenting

I’m not sure when I decided or knew that I wanted kids. It’s one of those things that has been with me long enough that it just seems ingrained at this point. One thing I can tell you, is no amount of literature or blogs or popular opinion ever prepared me for the absolute hardest part of parenting.

It wasn’t pregnancy.

It wasn’t the childbirth.

It wasn’t the ever present debatable decision of breast or formula. Or how long to continue.

It’s not the sleepless nights, the sick days, the learning curve that comes with each child.


The hardest part of parenting, if you ask me, is the kids themselves. The fact that they’re little individuals who form a personality and immediately begin testing their autonomy in this life. And it only gets harder and harder to navigate.

Maybe I’m alone on this. I see the perfect Instagram photos and videos on people’s Facebook stories. I know that those are only a fraction of people’s lives. But I have to know. Am I alone?

Am I the only parent out there struggling with their kids trying to become their own people? The personality clashes and the headbutting?

I have 4 kids. Some people might argue that because only 3 are biological – those people can shove it. The older two are a prime example of the clashing. It comes in waves. Sometimes we get along amazingly. Other times in their lives it’s been a constant struggle to understand each other. Adolescence is slowly driving me insane and making me feel like a terrible mother.

When he doesn’t feel a connection to me at the moment because he’s trying so hard to figure out his other heritage. Or when he tries to push boundaries so he can see what he can actually get away with – but unlike a toddler it isn’t as endearing.

I’m struggling in this chapter. Help a mama out and share some advice.

Author: Brixanne

mom, step mom, wife... all the $#!+ they don't tell you about motherhood

6 thoughts on “The hardest part of parenting”

  1. Being a mom of 1 and a stepmom of 4, I recommend doing a one-on-one with each child. No phone, no social media, no distractions. It is just you and that child. This way, you can see how they play, interact, and how they express themselves. I try to do one-on-one time about an hour a day. I have my daughter full time, so it is a nightly deal. We do it after dinner and before pjs are put on. I know it can get hard when activities and events come into play, but try to make it a consistent thing. I hope this helps you. ❤

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      1. I need to as well. I fell as though when the stepchildren are here, I have to push my daughter to the side due to them constantly needing attention or time-outs from their behavior. It is not fair to my daughter.

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